Saturday, 14 September 2013

Lost Paradise

It was dark yet!

Why dawn was loitering behind the horizon for so long?

I was fretful waiting for that elusive light.

In the seven years of life I had, it was not easy to remain calm when your most wanted desire delays its presence.

At long last, there was the small orange line on the sky, I ran into Mommy's and Daddy's room crying: Get up! get up! it's already time!

Daddy looked with one eye at the clock on the night table and grunted:

Oh, my goodness!! It is just 5:50! Will you stop making such noise!

But Mommy, rose and said smiling:

Let him alone, it's always the same!

Finally, we started our trip, and a couple of hours later we were standing in front of the high wooden doors, Daddy took me up to ring the bell.

As always, the high door opened to the most beautiful smile I will ever see!

The house smelled of roses and jasmines, I could not decide where to go first, the garden in full bloom took my fancy, I flew over all this beauty in wonder; then the soap smelling bathroom, the old tub with lion's paws feet, the bedroom with the beautiful mirror framed in the big ancient wood wardrobe, where I could see myself from the head to the feet, the lavender scent that pervaded the chamber, the old daguerreotype of the little girl that I have seen peering playfully at me from the grey eyes over the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen, and then the call to breakfast in the warm kitchen, the big bowl of milk with just a cloud of coffee, this was the only place I was allowed to drink coffee. The white loaf of just baked bread, and the syrupy orange marmalade under the thin coat of home made milk-cream.

The loving embraces, the smiles, and the long tales about how I came to be born, always told in different ways, making me think I was a different person each time.

The tasty simple lunch, which prepared the tummy for the regal supper, after a very slight meal at mid-afternoon repeating the bread, syrupy jam, and milk-cream. 

This way, leaping from new things to repeated bits and pieces, but in a different light each time, the day flew away in beautiful minutes as a wonderful gift.

I will never forget all those marvelous days I spent finding new the old things, feeling to be the hub of the Universe, and 'knowing' I was the most important person in the world!

With a little pang of regret because they cannot be repeated now, I will always remember all the visits to my Granny's house!

The music is "Memory" by Andrew Lloyd Webber for the musical "Cats", performing Richard Clyderman.

© 2013 Od Liam.


  1. What a wonderful story reminiscing the good old time which will always be cherished. Your granny stayed in such a beautiful house. You know, Od, you could bring us, readers, roam in her house and admire its splendour. You never fail to come up with excellent descriptions!

    I could understand why at the age of seven you were so eager to be at such a beautiful place. And the pleasant feeling you'd get from that loving warm smiles. Who could forget that? Indeed, you're the most important person in the world!

    Thank you, Od, for sharing another very interesting and well-written post. :)

  2. When we are young there are magic places and charming people who populate your world. Places and people one will never forget.

    Granny, and Granny's home are one of those unforgettable landmark of my childhood.

    Thank you for your understanding of such a beautiful feelings!

    And thank you for being so helpful and supporting.

    I really appreciate your warm words!

    1. I'm here again listening to the music and enjoying your post another time. I don't know why, the music kind of unveils the sweet memories of yesteryear and left a deep impact in the soul. The strength of your writing is you're able to make me feel that magical moment. I read with my heart!

      Thanks again, Od! :)

    2. Happy to have you visiting again!

      Your presence embellishes my blog!

      Thank you, for that pampering that makes me feel as the most important person on Earth! :)

  3. Oh, I fully understand how none of us can bring back those days with granny BUT you can begin to create a new set of days with your life now. Do things and treat others in a way that they will remember forever. Even if you don't have your own kids, make sure you entertain others on special occasions to give them wonderful memories.
    Od Liam, I won't be forgetting you any time soon mate. You've left your mark alright :)

    1. Maybe Fate will grant me the possibility to fulfill your advice. It seems too difficult now. But Hope is the last virtue to be lost!

      Thank you so much, RPD! It is highly wonderful to read your kind words!

  4. Lovely and tender memories you're sharing here. I could smell the scents, and almost taste that same breakfast you took! And the garden, it brought my own memories -my granny had a lemon-tree in her backyard, and daisies, and "easter-flowers" and laurel and hydrangeas...-

    Thanks for letting us take a glance of your childhood through this beautiful words.

    1. Thanks to you for bringing your memories as a present.

      All these things told in this post are semi biographic.

      Grand's and Granny's house was always the haven where I found joy, love, and the whole good sense that life seems to have when your heart share beautiful things.

      I am glad to remember these moments and give them to friends!
