Tuesday, 6 August 2013


You arrived as a dazzling sunbeam,
I was roving the world without love,
All my hopes were gone, and not a dream,
my soul lost, just as a wounded dove.
You brought in your eyes, and in your voice,
The pure air of a sweet and better choice,
Your hands and my hands just met,
and again palpitated my heart yet .
You, with the goodness of your love,
Taught me to smile, forgive, and have,
Not a cry of surly umbrage,
In final despair, and wastage.
At the sound of your crystal music,
I learned to live again by your rubric,
And I was reborn, nevermore beset.

 The music is a fragment of "Milonga del Angel" (Angel's Dance) by the privileged throats of Buenos Aires 8, without any musical instrument except their voices .

© 2013 Od Liam.

For One Single Impression


  1. Lovely poem Od, I loved the line My soul.......
    amazing choice of words just too good :)

    1. Thank you, Auntie!

      I guess the only sweet pain we delight in, is Love.

      We are so helpless when we face it!

      I am glad you follow this trend!

  2. Replies
    1. Welcome, Sandra!

      The only one yearning inherited from above, and completed in the very flesh of humankind by the lust for love!

      Thank you for your visit!

      Come back soon!

  3. This is so beautiful! Your hands flow with words of love which I think come from the ink pot of your heart. What else should I say, again it's so beautiful!

    Thank you, Od, for sharing. :)

    1. Thank you, BB!

      I always think my poems are empty and bland until I read your encouraging words!

      Thank you, I cannot appreciate your help enough!.

  4. Do I detect that love is in the air Od Liam? What a romantic poem of one roaming the world alone but then something wonderful happens and it brings warmth and love deep within the heart.

    1. Yes, it seems like that, but...

      Poets' souls tend to remember older and better times. :)

      Not that I think I am a poet, of course!

      Thank you, for your sweet innuendo! :))

  5. Igual que en otra ocasión, si el inglés no me funciona, me tomo la libertad de escribirlo en castellano, sabiendo que me entiendes perfectamente

    Una vez escribí: "En los ojos de los demás, en el fondo de la pupila, nos vemos como en un claro espejo, justo en el punto donde se pierde la conciencia. Es el embrujo de ese hallazgo el que nos hace perdernos, como Narciso en su leyenda. Y esa mirada en la que nos buscamos a nosotros mismos puede traernos la dicha o la perdición."

    Por eso son tan hermosas estas criaturas con las que nos topamos y hacen que sintamos como si revivieramos. Son tan especiales y tan sensibles, que descubren lo que somos antes que nosotros; y lo sacan a la luz, lo pulen y nos vuelven mejores versiones de nosotros mismos.

    1. Jamás podría haber escrito com mayor sentimiento y amor algo tan bello como lo que me ofreces en este comentario.

      Hay personas-luz que pueden hacernos mejores, lo sé por experiencia.

      Gracias, Pris.
